** Start of readme file ** # SETUP GUIDE RBI Tool ## Requirements 1. Server (Linux CentOS) 2. PHP 3. Database (MySQL, MariaDB) 4. Browser (Google Chrome Recommended) 5. httpd service 6. mysql service 7. php service 8. SSL Certificate (Must Have) [i.e `https` protocol supported only] All above-mentioned tools and technologies should be fully installed and configured as desired ## Server Configuration (php.ini) max_input_time: 60 max_input_vars: 10000 post_max_size: '128M' upload_max_filesize: '5M' allow_url_include: On ## Installation Copy project folder under public_html or html folder as per your installation configuration settings Create database `rbi` or any other name Create database user and assign appropriate rights to the database user Import `rbi.sql` (provided in project folder) to the database Configure smtp settings (/application/helpers/cias_helper.php) as per your server email settings Configure database settings (/application/config/database.php) as per your server database settings Installation is complete and you are good to go Run `index.php` [e.g http://localhost/rbi] using Google Chrome browser This should show you the RBI Tool landing page Use your provided login credentials to use the RBI Tool as per user guide. ## Documentation To get familiar with the RBI tool and to perform other activities, please refer to the following documentation that are available on the landing page link under Documentation link at the bottom of the page: 1. SuperAdmin Manual (Including the troubleshooting guide) 2. GMP/GSDP manual 3. SuperAdmin UAT 4. GMP module GMP Admin and GMP inspector UAT 5. GSDP module GGSD Admin and GSDP inspector UAT ** End of readme file **